Making a candy bar card to mark a extra opportunity can be a novel and memorable way to make someone's day. All it takes is a little idea and a few uncomplicated materials, plus a few chocolates of course. This way your scheme winds up being a sweet gift as well as a greeting card.
Here is How to Make Your Card
First think about the think you want to make the card. Is it to mark a extra birthday or anniversary? Has person achieved a goal? Do you want to mark the starting (a wedding?) or an end (retirement?) of something?
With your opportunity in mind, the next step is to take a trip to the local supermarket and to browse the confectionery aisles. Look for candy bars with names that suit your theme or message. Buy your chocolates. You may pick small candy bars or individually wrapped chocolates, for example. You just need to be able to read the name of the treat and the sweet needs to be a convenient size for attaching to your card with pins or adhesive.
Now look for some cardboard or thin Styrofoam to make the backing for your card. The bigger the backing, the easier it will be for a group of habitancy to read your message, and the more chocolates you can fit into your message. Make sure your backing is strong adequate to keep the weight of your chocolates as well.
The next step is to head home to lay out the chocolates in front of the computer. I spend some time brainstorming ways to make a message for my friend or family member, using the chocolates to help spell out my message.
When I have a message in mind, I type it into a word document. Then I format the font (I like Verdana) to be about the same size as the words on my chocolates. I leave some space in the middle of my lines of text so I can cut the words of the message apart when I print them out. If you would rather write out your message by hand or spell it out with alphas, paint or even words cut from magazines, of procedure you can.
After printing my message and cutting out the phrases or words, I start pinning the message to the board or backing sheet.
Work out the middle of your message and lay the words on the middle of the backing sheet. Do they fit where you want them? Can you fit your chocolate words in too? If all things fits, start pinning or adhering the words and chocolates to your backing sheet.
It should not take long to conclude manufacture the candy bar card once you know what you want to say.
A Message Idea for Your Candy Bar Card:
To get you started, here is a message I made up for a Father's Day candy bar card:
I would have to go to Mars to find a Dad like you. Ever since I was a Babe (Ruth) you all the time Take 5 to Boost me up when I am down. You are a Top Deck kind of Dad!
I trust you will be inspired to make your own extra candy bar card now, but be warned. If you are anything like me, there is a hazard involved in manufacture this type of card. It is the temptation to eat the chocolates before they reach their intended recipient!
Candy Bar Cards - How to Make Them